Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm watching X play a live show on television right now.

It is inspiring strange thoughts. You want to know the truth? When my dad was the age I am now, he had three kids, two of whom were teenagers, and it wasn't very long till a fourth was on the way. There are days when I spend all day on the couch playing video games. How have I managed to accomplish so much and yet still remain a big kid?

I think the Universe just loves me.

Speaking of X, I actually saw John Doe drinking in a hipster dive bar in Chicago once. It was pretty surreal to look over and think, "That guy looks like John Doe. Huh, because it is John Doe." He was being chatted up by a young thing. Or chatting her up. I didn't stick around the whole night to find out how that worked out. But now you can say you've read a blog post by someone who drank in a bar with one of the stars of Roadhouse. As an aside, Wife has a great fondness for that movie.

And didn't you think Exene should have died from the hard living she was doing? Nice to see at least one old punk rocker didn't become a total cliche.

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