Friday, November 9, 2007

When it rains, it punches you in the mouth

I think that's how that cliche goes. Something like that.

At least that's the way it feels around the old homestead right now. Wife has broken leg. We had to take her for more check ups today. The Ultrasound revealed she didn't have a blood clot. Just pain. So that's sort of good. Except she's still uncomfortable. And we have a CT scheduled for next week to find out if she needs surgery.

On the way there we learned the noise I was suspicious the car was making is in fact some sort of rubbing/grinding coming from the transmission or drive train or something. Something expensive I'm sure. Something I can't afford to fix on a car I was hoping to pay down for another six months so we can get close to value on a trade in. At this point with this noise and the banged in door from a hit and run I'm going to have to eat around three thousand bucks that will get folded in to the value of whatever I trade it in on.

And Wife's scooter is having trouble. Hopefully that will only be a few hundred bucks to fix. Plus my PDA isn't really working in any truly useful way. And my digital camera broke. While my parents were visiting. I have next to no pictures from their trip. My scooter may be leaking oil. And all of this means no money to repair my vintage motorcycle.

Part of me is wondering what else will be dished out. So I'm predicting the next disaster:

-Cobra in my underwear drawer
-Visigoth attack
-Religious cult decides I am the evil one they are required to stop but only by mayonnaise based methods
-People magazine singles me out as one of America's least sexy males
-East Timor claims our bedroom as their sovereign territory
-Cat suffers genetic mutation, takes over world, refuses to loan me money
-Mr T decides I am fool but refuses to pity me claiming excessive jibber-jabber
-Unwanted pregnancy for Dog, despite the fact she's spayed

Which do you think will happen? Or suggest your own possible thing I need to be worrying about that I'm not.


Christine Wy said...

I'm voting for 1 and 2, in those respective orders. I believe the cobra will be a portent of the Visigoths, but it will be misunderstood as such, therefore the Florida coast where we live will be unprepared for the attack.

The good news is that since I can't move, either I'll be spared because they don't see me, or you can push me in their path and maybe you can get away. The choice is yours, cobra pants.

Anonymous said...
