Friday, May 30, 2008

Grumble, grumble, grumble

I've closed the last three nights. When I get off work I'm too jazzed up from the frenetic pace of closing to go to bed. But I'm too tired to do anything productive. And I've had to get up and try to get going each morning to get some things graded for school. So each day, not quite enough sleep.

It finally caught up with me this morning. Cat managed to force the bedroom door open and get in. And every time my alarm went off he started whining for me to get up and feed him. I was too awake to ignore it and too tired to actually get up and chase him out. My mood is getting worse and worse.

I finally force myself out of bed. Cat keeps whining. I keep getting angrier. Dog wakes up and I hear her start whining to get walked. And I look down at the floor of the bathroom.

Wife has been letting her dirty clothes pile up on the bathroom floor. When it was just a little bit it was funny because Dog took to lying on them. It's become a favorite hang out for her. But the pile was reaching epic volume. Well, for a dirty clothes pile on the bathroom floor.

What I should have done was ask Wife to clean it up. And hopefully she would have. If she hadn't I could have been justified in being mad. But I was in a bad place. So I picked them up and shoved them in her hamper.

Okay, this isn't much of a story if it ends here. So then I took the hamper and put it right in front of the bedroom door. The bedroom. Where Wife continued to sleep while I had to be awake.

Yes, totally passive aggressive. She did nearly fall over it she later reported.

So it turns out I can be a jerk sometimes too.


Christine Wy said...

I cried a lot that day. The "do-over" I requested for the next day went fine though. Thanks for apologizing.

Christine Wy said...