Thursday, May 8, 2008

Not Cool

What should be the penalty when someone goes in and reorders your Netflix queue?

I have a pretty strong suspicion that Wife has been sorting things around a little bit. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm selfish. But we get three movies at a time. We have set it up that she gets one at a time and has her own queue with whatever movies she wants to see. From time to time she has movies I like but for the most part it is all her and her tastes and I don't interfere. She also is very slow to get around watching her movie. That's fine, that's her choice.

And then I have a queue that has two movies. I try hard to make sure that one of them is something we both want to see. And then the other movie is supposed to be something for me. And I'm likely to stay up late and watch it after she's gone to bed, send it back in, and get something quickly.

Only fair, right? I watch more movies, I get more movies. But lately I have been noticing that the movie that I put on top to replace "my" movie isn't the next one to be shipped. Lately the movie being shipped is one of those "our" movies. Once or twice this happens, I figure it is just coincidence that the movie I wanted wasn't available so it jumped a spot.

But I realized the movie being sent out today is not "my" movie, which it should be. And I checked yesterday that it was my movie at the top of the list. So maybe it was again skipped you might be thinking. But the movie being shipped wasn't in the second spot either. Or the third. So she went in and reordered the list. Without talking to me about it. This will not stand. I'm tempted to go in and delete her entire queue in retaliation. But that's too big a penalty.

So what is a fair come back? If you know, let me know. Cause this deserves something.

Also, if you want to be a Netflix contact of mine, drop me a comment.

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