Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Other teachers get coffee mugs

Some teachers receive small gifts around the holidays that show that their students like and appreciate them. Once, a long time ago I even received a pretty decent pen from a student. She was recent immigrant and I'm still not sure if she was trying to bribe me for a passing grade or really felt that I was worthy.

But those days are long gone. Now what do I get from students to show their "affection"?

Some student or students copied a picture out of our text book that looks somewhat like me photographed from the side and then drew tattoos and earrings on it and posted them around the library before our final exam. I didn't notice till after it was over so who knows how many folks saw it. I don't know whether to be flattered with the effort, creeped out, or just amused by the whole thing.

I don't get secret Santas. I get secret stalkers.

1 comment:

Troy Camplin said...

In a rhetoric class where I was using Plato's "Phaedrus" I had a student give me a shirt that said "It's Greek to Me."

I also once gave a professor who only ever wore black a shirt that read "I Wear Black Because There Isn't A Darker Color"